beaten down

I kicked off my shoes
just to feel the cool earth for one last time
autumn confetti crunching beneath bare feet
perfect day for a stroll
nowhere in particular to go
only the need to move
stretch the bones & shake off the dust
a sky so vividly blue...
I walked looking straight up
I heard the voices before they came into my view
he was berating her for delaying them
she wanted to stop & pet a dog
her voice was lowered
barely more than a whisper  
in that constant appeasement tone
his baritone bowling right over hers
and I knew before I even looked her in the face
she believed he was the best she could do
my heart broke a little right then & there
flashing back to another young woman
convinced his nasty accusations must have been right
remembered never having courage  
to speak up or walk away
I smiled at her as we passed
him grumbling 3 steps ahead
exactly as expected...
...she dropped her gaze to her feet instead
I wanted to tell her...
...girl, you are so much more than he says much more than he's crammed into your head
...he keeps his foot on your neck because he knows  
if he doesn't you might take the initiative  
and listen to your instincts
that quiet little voice calling from deep inside
he's wrong
"we can make it on our own
we deserve to be free
stop listening to him
and listen to me"

words I wish I'd heard...
when I was in her position
Written by WillowsWhimsies
Published | Edited 9th Dec 2023
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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