Within the quiet dawn, before the world stirs,
I'll stand bare, 'neath the beautiful whispering trees,
It's a nude awakening, in nature's softness concurs,
As sunlight paints my skin with gentle ease.

No fabric shields this form from morning's grace,
No shroud to mask the truth of who I truly am,
Just flesh and bone, in this secluded place,
Where nature's breath becomes my silent psalm.

The soft breeze, a lover's touch upon my skin,
Caresses every curve, every line and each bend,
Within my vulnerability, I will find deep within,
A sense of freedom no words cannot defend.

For nakedness is much more than mere expose,
It's shedding layers and letting spirit breathe,
A daring act, where inhibitions often lose,
And authenticity becomes its humble wreath.

So here I stand, softly embraced by the dawn's first light,
A nude awakening, its such personal and beautiful sacred rite.
Written by monovox128 (Philis PriceDean)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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