That felt good

Going forward
I let drop a pair of cowboy boots and
some old train tickets
to small cafes I resented.

There's a painting that doesn't hang anymore
a valentines card with a gerbil in a car

A Christmas tree with fairy lights got put away in January
but the empty cuddles didn't till just now.

I can taste cellophane
maybe I wrapped this up too tight

things don't go off if the air can't reach them
suppose that means
they cant breathe


You were the artist, the musician
I had no music or art
that wasn't filtered through our system
or by divine law belonging to you.

Can't owe myself to something so different anymore
you never fully knew
as you never fully listened.

I've spent hours
peeling my skin off
for bruises
or scars
whatever fucked up system I was following
to jeopardize this.

Take off your mask executioner
for it was you all along.
Written by pretty_normal (Pretty Normal)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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