
The master of mayhem
cultivating untold chaos
disrupting any and all order
on the toss of a di

He has a charming sense of humor,
turning pit-bulls to puppies
although he's forever rewriting the order of things
placing the sea in the sky
and it's never a matter of 'why?'

He's wacky and wonderful
in a laughter for its own sake,
hysteria in the face of life
no matter what's at stake
kind of way

He's the part of you
that wants to run amock,
dance in the rain
and pretty much go totally insane

To set yourself free
to just let yourself be,
to never worry
about what's right or wrong
ignoring society
and dancing to the beat of your own silly song

to go out of your way
to have fun with life,
to live everyday
in a constant state of play!
Written by Duncan (Duncan Alexander)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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